Master of Science in Environmental Science & Engineering

Master of Science in Environmental Science & Engineering

Build a Sustainable Foundation for the Future

减轻气候变化的影响和人类对环境的影响是一个集体, global effort. 随着越来越多的公司和组织寻求成为解决方案的一部分, 他们需要有技术专长和社会政治知识的专业人士来应对当今紧迫的环境挑战. An MS in Environmental Science & 工程学可以让你在这个不断增长的就业市场上成为一个有竞争力的候选人,并加强你对该领域博士课程的申请. 

Why Earn an MS in Environmental Science & Engineering From Clarkson University?

Through the Institute for a Sustainable Environment, the master's in environmental science & esball国际平台客户端的工程是跨学科的、合作的和研究密集型的. We are considered one of the top 50 programs in the nation by U.S. News & World Report这要归功于我们严格的课程和世界一流的机会.

该学位可以在短短一年半的时间内完成,并根据您的目标而设计. 与我们国家认可的教师密切合作,发展自己的学习主题或专业领域. 我们的课程鼓励团队合作,并以解决方案为基础,关注现实世界的挑战.

作为一名学生,你可以接触到很多资源,比如我们屡获殊荣的帕克 Career Center,或者你也可以利用我们广泛的校友网络来帮助你的职业发展. 


The master's degree in environmental science & engineering consists of 30 credit hours. 课程分布在至少18个学分的esball国际app课程之间, 2个学分的研讨会和至少6个学分的论文研究(或4个学分的项目).

Environmental Science & Engineering MS Required Courses

The master’s candidate must complete 30 credit hours, including 2 credits of seminar; and at least 6 credits of research (or 4 credits towards a Project).  Additionally the master’s candidate must take:

  • EV 532 (Risk Analysis)
  • POL 570 (Environmental Policy) or POL 571 (Energy Policy)
  • CE 586(工业生态学)或CE 582(环境系统分析) & Design)
  • 在选定的“主题”之后,三(3)个额外的选修课程(9学分)
  • 以上课程中至少有三(3)门必须是工程学课程
  • Choice of completing Thesis or Project

Suggested Elective Environmental Science & Engineering Themes

根据你的研究兴趣和你的导师的指导选择你的选修课. Some suggested themes include:

  • Air Quality and Environmental Assessment
  • Engineering and Policy
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Environmental Quality and Treatment
  • Sustainable Systems

Air Quality and Environmental Assessment:

  • CE577 (Atmospheric Chemistry)
  • CM532(分散体和其他胶体的粒度分析)
  • CM552 (Aerosol Chemistry)
  • EHS505 (Methods and Analysis)
  • CE533 (Human Exposure Analysis)

Engineering and Policy

  • EC660 (Environmental Economics)
  • POL571 (Energy Policy)
  • CE586 (Industrial Ecology)
  • EV536(全球气候变化:科学、工程和政策)
  • ANTH570 (Environment, Technology, and Society)
  • POL592 (Environmental Political Theory)
  • POL575 (Environmental Law)

Environmental Chemistry

  • BY531/CE589 (Limnology)
  • CE535 (Groundwater Hydrology and Geochemistry)
  • CE577 (Atmospheric Chemistry)
  • CE580 (Environmental Chemistry)
  • CM530 (Colloids and Interfaces)
  • CM532(分散体和其他胶体的粒度分析)
  • CM552 (Aerosol Chemistry)
  • EHS505 (Methods and Analysis)

Environmental Quality and Treatment

  • CE579 (Water and Wastewater Treatment and Design)
  • CE581 (Hazardous Waste Management Engineering)
  • CE584 (Chemodynamics)
  • CE681 (Environmental Physico-Chemical Processes)
  • CE682 (Environmental Biological Processes)

Sustainable Systems

  • BY659 (Systems Biology)
  • BY520 (Microbiology)
  • BY525 (Biological Systems & Global Environmental Change)
  • CE586 (Industrial Ecology)
  • CE534 (Sustainable Development Engineering)
  • CE569 (Watershed Analysis)
  • PHIL510 (Sustainability Theory & Practice: A Critical Assessment)

The Institute for a Sustainable Environmentesball国际平台客户端地区环境解决方案综合研究的中心. Students have access to our CAARES facility, CAMP, the Center for Electric Power Systems Research, the NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions, the Clarkson Center for Complex Systems Science (C3S2) and the Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries. The current areas of research at ISE include clean air, clean water, clean energy, advanced materials, healthy ecosystems, encouraging a circular economy, 支持健康的地球和可持续和有复原力的社区.



A completed application consists of the following:

  • Online Application Form.
  • Résumé.
  • Statement of purpose.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • Official transcripts.
  • GRE is strongly encouraged but not required.
  • 对于国际申请者,需要英语水平测试.
    • 最低考试成绩要求:托福(80分)和托福基础(8分).5), IELTS (6.5), PTE (56) or Duolingo English Test (115).


申请者必须完成至少一年的微积分课程, physics and chemistry; have some background in fluid mechanics and have obtained a BS, 工程或科学专业本科或同等学历.

No minimum grade point average (GPA) is required for admission; however, in general, a GPA greater than 3.在相关领域获得学士学位,并有优异的学术成就记录,要求25分.

经主任批准,其他机构的esball国际app工作最多10个学分(B级或以上)可以转入该计划. The GRE is recommended but not required for admissions.

esball国际平台客户端是我想攻读硕士学位的地方,因为我知道它将为我的未来打开所有的机会之门. However, I did not know or expect that it would not only open doors, but an entire house of possibilities and opportunities. 我很高兴我有高水平的教授,他们关心我作为一个学生的发展, as a professional and also as a person. 有这样的支持是我在硕士项目中发展和取得成就的关键. Also, through the classes I could develop different skills, and worked with simulations and software, which were important for my professional development.

Maeva Teixeira Machado '23 MS in Environmental Science & Engineering

Career Possibilities

具有环境科学和工程背景的专业人士对他们的技能和见解的需求日益增长. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for those in the field is $96,820. Jobs in green industries are also expected to grow to represent 5 percent of the global GDP by 2050.


  • Agricultural scientist
  • Air pollution analyst
  • Ecologist
  • Environmental consultant
  • Environmental engineer
  • Environmental health officer
  • Environmental safety officer
  • Environmental specialist
  • Green building manager
  • Natural resource manager
  • Water project manager
  • Water quality scientist

Recent Employers and Graduate Schools

Recent MS in Environmental Science & Engineering graduates have found employment through:

  • MJW Corporation
  • Quantis
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • GHD Engineering
  • Arcadis

Meet Our Faculty

Students enrolled in the MS in Environmental Science & 工程项目与ise附属教师密切合作. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端团队的信息,包括专业和背景.

Faculty and Staff

Sustainability Efforts

esball国际平台客户端因致力于可持续发展而闻名并备受赞誉. Our major sustainability initiatives include working to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions, maintaining a Gold AASHE Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS®) rating, aligning with the U.N.并支持学生支持的可持续发展项目.

To learn more, listen to Dr. Susan Powers, director of our Institute for a Sustainable Environment, on the Ignite Podcast about our changing climate, 最新的校园可持续发展努力以及esball国际平台客户端在减少大学碳足迹方面取得的惊人进展. 

Listen Here

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Contact Us

Graduate Admissions
Phone: 518-631-9831

有兴趣了解更多有关环境科学硕士的知识 & Engineering? 联系esball国际app招生办公室今天有你的问题.

Find out more in the Institute for a Sustainable Environment.

100% Graduate Placement Rate - Program Specific

Achieve Your Purpose Here

通过自己的研究和独立学习,对环境产生积极的影响. 如果你看到自己在esball国际平台客户端的硕士课程中有所作为,那就开始下一步吧.