




CAMP的仪器设备是为了满足esball国际平台客户端校园和纽约州企业的研究项目的许多特征需求而建立的. 重点关注材料属性, CAMP专注于显微镜(SEM), TEM, AFM), 微量分析(EDS, 光谱仪, XRD), 热分析(DMA), 矫正性大动脉转位, DSC). 

许多这些高端工具都配备了外围附件,可以在不同的环境下进行测量,并具有控制大气和温度的能力. 通过利用教师需求,CAMP不断改变和升级仪器,以更好地完善所提供的表征技术. 全面的培训, 分析专业知识, and our knowledgeable technical staff provide analytical solutions to a wide range of material-related problems.​

CAMP has been building its instrument facilities to improve its materials characterization capabilities. 这包括购买一个新的超微显微镜, 一种新型超离心机, 新型差示扫描量热计(梅特勒-托莱多), 一种新的动态光散射粒度仪, 新型激光衍射粒度仪(马尔文), 一种新的冶金显微镜(基恩斯), 新型粉末x射线衍射仪(Bruker). 这些工具的细节将很快在下面公布.

esball国际平台客户端教职员工可以通过EMS系统预订仪器. 潜在的非esball国际平台客户端用户应联系CAMP办公室. ​



This recent addition to the CAMP suite of instruments is a well-known workhorse in the AFM field. MM8能够在相对较短的时间内获取高分辨率图像,并配备了Bruker的自动scanassist模式,可以根据需要对图像进行自我优化. When choosing more typical imaging modes such as Contact/Non-contact the instrument can simultaneously report multiple data channels. 通常选择的通道是高度,相位,模量和摩擦. 该工具能够处理各种样品类型,如薄膜, 复合材料表面, 生物标本, 以及其他细小的物质,比如颗粒或蛋白质. Bruker's NanoScope Analysis software is loaded with many powerful analytical tools which can be used to perform measurements like roughness, 三维表面渲染, 步长, 还有更多.​

CAMP's particular unit is equipped with a few modules that can be used to provide better control over your analytical environment. 液体电池允许在流体中进行测量, suitable for materials which need a hydrated environment or to observe the effect of moisture on your sample. 温度控制阶段可以将温度升高到250˚C,精确控制在1度以内,使结构的温度控制变化易于实现. 环境室可用于控制AFM中的气氛,并可与您选择的吹扫气体相匹配,以观察气氛的影响或在惰性条件下进行测量. 布鲁克为该工具提供了超过15种其他可选的成像模式,可以作为升级购买,包括纳米电和纳米磁测量. 随着当前的附加组件和高度模块化的能力,该工具是装备齐全,以处理esball国际平台客户端材料研究的AFM研究需求在未来几年. ​


最近买了, the JEOL JSM 7900F-LV is a direct upgrade to the current 7400F FE-SEM which has served Clarkson researchers for the past 18 years. 这款新机型不仅拥有更好的分辨率,比之前的1.从5nm到1nm,再到0.在高kv下6nm. This microscope is also equipped with a low vacuum chamber in order to better accommodate biological or other partially hydrated specimens. 虽然许多熟悉的功能是可用的,如二次电子成像, 低能电子, 梁减速, 和后向散射电子成像, 这种扫描电镜不仅能够提高分辨率,而且能够在低加速电压下提供高质量的图像,加速电压低至10 -100伏特, 以前由于高噪音而变得有问题的制度. All of this next-generation performance is also backed up with an easy to use software interface, 增加了那些新的SEM的易用性, while still providing full manual control over analytical parameters for the experienced microscopist.​

牛津仪器公司的一套外围设备将这台显微镜从一台成像机器变成了一台能够同时收集EDS和EBSD的机器. 阿兹泰克终极EDS探测器是一个硅漂移探测器, 与老型号的硅-锂晶体相比,这是一种新技术, 这允许更快的测量, in many cases measurements that used to take 30 minutes can now be done in 5 or less under the proper conditions. With this system it will be possible to collect elemental information at times nearly as rapid is collecting an image. 分析包包括实时x射线映射等功能, 定量分析, 漂移检测, 和大面积映射,其中多个图像可以拼接在一起. The EBSD system can be used to detect the distribution and orientation of different crystallites on the surface of a material and index the phase data, 与图像相关. 通过这种组合,可以同时学习形态学, 元素分布, 以及制备良好的材料的晶体学信息.​


这种高分辨率的透射电子显微镜是显微镜世界的主力,提供了很好的成像模式和放大范围的选择. 能承受明亮的视野, 暗视野, 该显微镜的衍射成像最终分辨率可达1.4 Å在衍射对比和放大倍数高达1.500万年. 由Gatan CCD相机提供动力,可以在几秒钟内收集数字图像,并且在改变放大倍率或从成像模式切换到衍射模式时保留显微镜对准,从而使图像之间的时间最短. 一个极好的选择,以表征广泛的精细特征, 这架显微镜能很容易地辨认出细粉末, 薄膜, 生物分子, 复合材料, 以及许多其他形式的纳米级特征. 纳米粒子可以分析其大小, 形状, 纳米级的特性, and crystallographic information like phase and relative abundance of certain growth directions direction. 结构特征,如核-壳, 雅努斯, or organic coatings can be well resolved with this microscope where other microscopic techniques may struggle. 复合材料的薄层可以分析边界处的晶体取向,以确定结构成分如何受到影响或晶粒分布如何影响其他物理特性. CAMP's technical knowledge is always available to discuss how the TEM can be used to solve your research problems.​


This high resolution x-ray diffractometer is an ideal selection when investigating the crystal structures of both organic and inorganic materials. 配有0-175˚2Θ的分析范围和0.001˚步长分辨率. 该工具配备了可编程的入射和接收狭缝,允许在复杂混合物的情况下解决即使间距差异很小的反射. 它也适用于材料结晶度的快速筛选,其中性能良好的样品可以在更严格的条件下进行分析,以获得高分辨率的衍射图. 分析软件不仅可以绘制数据,还可以用于进行相位匹配和确定样品中未知结构的身份, 既可以作为主要成分,也可以作为样品中的残留污染物. 在熟练的晶体学家的指导下,该机器还可用于进行里特费尔德精馏,以发现混合物的相分数等晶体特性, 晶粒尺寸, 微应变, 晶体结构解决方案. Some specialized sample holders allow for the tool to handle irregularly 形状d bulk samples, 电影, 甚至微粒嵌入过滤器.​​


In applications where material must be routinely detected to a high standard of precision and accuracy, 光谱仪测量优于其他桌面成分光谱技术. 检测限在ppm范围内, 这个工具非常适合跟踪分析, 检测成分上的细微差别, 以及工艺开发的质量控制筛选. 设计用于处理大量样品, 自动取样阶段配备处理固体, 液体, 和粉. 由于这种精度和通用性,光谱仪可以成为比EDS等技术更好的选择,用于许多批量分析,其中全局样品信息更必要,样品准备可以改变结果.  


This new 矫正性大动脉转位 from TA Instruments is a recent addition to the BMCL as an upgrade from the previous analyzer. 精密炉可以很好地控制从室温到1000˚C的样品气氛,并且可以处理从几毫克到十分之一克的良好样品质量. A noise floor of a few nanograms allows for the resolution of small changes in mass if only small amounts of sample are available. The furnace is also fitted with multiple gasses to allow for analysis under inert or typical atmospheric conditions, 其他气体按需提供. 在动态环境控制下,分解或燃烧可以很容易地进行分析. 其中等温分解, 热稳定性, 并且可以对各种材料的除气进行密切监控.​

DSC is a laboratory staple for those trying to understand the thermal behavior of their materials. 这种特殊的仪器通过测定内部基准的热差来提供材料相行为的信息. 常用于研究放热或吸热过程, 它能够捕捉热事件,如熔化温度, 玻璃化转变, 热稳定性, 治疗开始, 结晶, 和更多的. 外部冷水机组允许DSC达到-150至725°C的分析范围. It is also possible to run a series of programs under variable atmosphere to determine how a material behaves in inert conditions as compared to air. This tool is a great companion to the DMA and DSC in order to have a deeper understanding of how a material responds under different thermal loads, 或者作为一个独立的测量来确定基本相行为.


最通用的热表征仪器之一, the DMA uses a frictionless air bearing to determine the viscoelastic response of solid materials in order to determine modulus data. The high precision furnace can be used across a temperature range of -150 to 600 ˚C with a tolerance of 1 ˚. 它的分析范围为18 N至10 nN,应变分辨率为1 nm,可以处理从硬聚合物和弹性体到软材料和半固体凝胶的东西. Armed with a modular analytical space to handle different types of geometries such as bars, 纤维, 它可以测量样品在其预期的应用形式的薄膜, there are also a selection of submersible clamps which can measure the effect of fluid baths on your sample. 可编程软件包允许高度控制,可以执行测量,如存储或损耗模量的温度梯度, 蠕变柔量, 放松, 应力/应变, 或者在特定温度下的热响应, 力, 频率条件. The information available from the DMA also complements other thermal equipment in the BMCL such as the 矫正性大动脉转位 and DSC.​


The TA Instruments AR 2000 流变仪 is a great tool for analyzing the flow behavior of fluids, 胶体悬浮液, 以及更粘稠的材料,如凝胶和糊状物. Fitted with a high precision rotating head it's capable of sensing small changes in viscous response down to 0.1µN·m,可加热至200˚C的温控台上. 测量粘度的可靠工具, 弹性, 屈服应力, 和剪切思维/增厚它可以编程为多种和分析类型. 流变仪的常用用途包括应力松弛, 蠕变响了, 蠕变恢复, 振荡应力和其他常规测量. 该工具是矫正性大动脉转位和DSC测量的良好伴侣,其中物理变化可以与热控制行为相关,例如研究玻璃过渡态, 熔点, 或者在不同温度下的固成率. ​

一个伟大的选择,分析粒度分布, the Malvern Laser Diffraction Particle Sizer is equipped with an overhead stirrer and ultra-sonicator to control particle agglomeration in solution. 采集参数是可编程的,因此您可以选择样品的快照或定期执行测量以研究原位颗粒聚集. A dynamic size range of 50 nm to ~1 mm allows for the analysis of a wide range of sizes and distributions, 细颗粒加工和质量控制的关键能力.


与此形成鲜明对比的是, the Malvern Zeta Sizer is a Dynamic Light Scattering particle sizer which uses Brownian motion to calculate particle size, with a complimentary range of 1 nm to 2 μm this unit excels at measuring the hydrodynamic radius of dilute solution of small particles. 配备了泽塔电位附件, 它也可以用来测定溶液中粒子的平均表面电荷. 该装置还可以访问高浓度模块,当您使用对其分散的溶液高度敏感的材料时. 这两种仪器涵盖了广泛的粒子类型.

The Keyence VHX 970 optical microscope is a general purpose reflectance microscope which excels at analyzing the surface features of materials. 20-200倍变焦, 定向光源, 以及车载图像优化功能, 它可以处理几乎任何样品的表面分析. 


它利用了机动阶段来推断三维表面地图, 允许对公差进行调查, 裂纹扩展/启动, 和缺陷. 铰接式倾斜功能也允许高分辨率成像高达90度, 开辟了立体成像和接触角测量的能力.


  • 单晶x射线衍射仪
  • 核磁共振(NMR)光谱仪
  • 拉曼光谱仪/显微镜
  • Nanoindentor