
Andrea Ferro is a professor in the Department of Civil and 环境工程 at esball国际平台客户端 in Potsdam, NY. Her technical expertise is focused on indoor air quality and human exposure to particulate pollutants. She has also worked in the private industry, engineering consulting and non-profit sectors. 教授的总体目标. Ferro’s work is to improve human health by improving air quality through source control, 通风和净化策略, 教育, 以及监管政策. Dr. Ferro is currently the PI for NSF ADVANCE project called Strategic 合作伙伴hip for Alignment of Community Engagement in STEM (SPACES). She is a recent past president of the American Association for Aerosol 研究 (AAAR) and a 研究员 of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ).


Ph.D. ——2002年斯坦福大学
M.S. ——1992年斯坦福大学
B.S. - 1989年马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校


  • CE/EV/BY313 -生物地球化学系统
  • CE340 - Introduction to 环境工程
  • CE477/577 - Atmospheric Chemistry (also listed as CM476/576, CH576)
  • CE491 - Senior Design (Water Resources/Environmental)
  • CE433/ES533 -人体暴露分析
  • EV432/532 -风险分析
  • CE434/534 -可持续发展工程



Registered Professional Engineer, State of Massachusetts


Dr. Ferro teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in environmental engineering, 可持续发展, 空气污染, 人体暴露分析. She is the faculty co-advisor for the Clarkson student chapter of the American Association for Aerosol 研究 (AAAR). 


Dr. Ferro's research interests are in the areas of indoor air quality, fate and transport of pollutants in the built environment, 微粒物质的再悬浮, 人体暴露于污染物, and exposure versus health effect relationships for airborne particulate matter.


  • 研究员, International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) Academy of 研究员s, 对研究的认可, 实践, and/or outstanding service in the field of indoor air sciences, 2020年11月.
  • 杰出服务奖, American Association for Aerosol 研究 (AAAR), 担任2019-2020年AAAR主席, 2020年10月.
  • Distinction in Faculty Mentoring for 研究 and Scholarship Award, esball国际平台客户端, May 2020 (recognizes a faculty member who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to faculty mentoring in research and scholarship by actively assisting pre-tenure and mid-career faculty in developing their careers).
  • 杰出服务奖, Association of 环境工程 and Science Professors (AEESP), for “Outstanding service as AEESP Foundation Treasurer and Board Member,2018年9月.
  • 杰出服务奖, American Association for Aerosol 研究 (AAAR), for distinguished service as 2015 Annual Conference Chair and dedication to the Board and members of AAAR.
  • 杰出服务奖, Association of 环境工程 and Science Professors (AEESP), for outstanding service as AEESP Treasurer and Board Member, 2015年6月
  • 阿尔伯特D号. 美林奖,esball国际平台客户端,2013年5月
  • 约翰·W. 格雷厄姆小. Faculty 研究 Award, esball国际平台客户端, May 2009
  • The Commendable Service Award, esball国际平台客户端 Phalanx, April 2009
  • National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, December 2008
  • University Outstanding Advisor Award, esball国际平台客户端, April 2008
  • 卓越教学奖,华莱士H. 库尔特工程学院, esball国际平台客户端, January 2006


  • 安德里亚·R·费罗. 2022. “第三章.4 Resuspension,” in Zhang, Hopke and Mandin, eds.-室内空气质素手册负责人: 化学污染物,施普林格出版公司,纽约,纽约州. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-7680-2_37
  • 安德里亚·R·费罗. 菲利普·K·霍普克.. 2022. “第八章.1 Fundamentals of Exposure Science,” in Zhang, Hopke and Mandin, eds-in-chief., Handbook of Indoor Air Quality: 化学污染物,施普林格出版公司,纽约,纽约州.
  • 加维尔,詹姆斯,埃里卡C. Cline; Sharon Hunter; Rebecca Cesa; Andrea R. Ferro. 2022. Long-term changes in metal deposition and metal stress in red spruce along elevational and longitudinal transects in the Appalachian forests of New England, USA. 水、空气、土壤污染 233: 370 http://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-022-05836-x
  • 阿米尔·莫法罕.布赖恩·T. 拜伦·D·海伦布鲁克. 安德里亚·R·伊拉斯. Ferro, Tanvir Ahmed, Deborah M. 布朗,古德兹·艾哈迈迪. 2022. On the Variation of Fricative Airflow Dynamics with Vocal Tract Geometry and Speech Loudness. 气溶胶科学 & 技术, Vol. 56:5, pp. 446-460, doi: 10.1080/02786826.2022.2045001.
  • 伊拉斯、拜伦和安德里亚. Ferro. 2022. Infections disease transmission from bioaerosols. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, Vol. 32, 645–646. http://doi.org/10.1038/s41370-022-00476-z
  • Ahmed, Tanvir, Mahender Singh Rawat, Andrea R. 阿米尔·费罗. 布莱恩·莫法汉姆. Helenbrook, Goodarz Ahmadi, Dinushani Senarathna, Sumona Mondal, Deborah M. 拜伦·D·布朗. Erath. 2022. Characterizing respiratory aerosol emissions during sustained phonation. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, http://doi.org/10.1038/s41370-022-00430-z
  • 拉瓦特,马亨德·辛格和安德里亚·R. Ferro. 2022. “Respiratory Virus Deposition and Resuspension from Indoor Surfaces,” in Barry and Kanematsu, eds.的, Studies to Combat COVID-19 using Science and Engineering, 施普林格自然新加坡有限公司.,新加坡,新加坡. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-7680-2_11
  • Palmisani, Jolanda, Alessia Di Gilio, Mar Viana, Gianluigi de Gennaro, Andrea Ferro. 2021. Indoor air quality evaluation in oncology units at two European hospitals: low-cost sensors for TVOCs, PM2.5、二氧化碳实时监测. 建筑与环境,卷. 205, 108237.
  • 艾哈迈德,坦维尔,汉娜E. 阿米尔·温德林. 莫法罕,古达兹·艾哈迈迪,布莱恩·T. 海伦布鲁克,安德里亚·R. 黛博拉·M·费罗. 拜伦·D·布朗. Erath. 2021. Variability in expiratory trajectory angles during consonant production by one human subject and from a physical mouth model: Application to respiratory droplet emission. 室内空气, Vol. 31, pp. 1896-1912. http://doi.org/10.1111/ina.12908
  • 克里斯汀·威廉森,苏拉夫·达斯,安德里亚·R. Ferro和Shankar Chellam. 2021. Elemental Composition of Indoor and Outdoor Coarse Particulate Matter at an Inner-City High School. 大气环境,卷. 261, 118559
  • 纳斯尔,巴巴克,古达兹·艾哈迈迪,安德里亚·R. Ferro, Suresh Dhaniyala. 2020. “A model for particle removal from surfaces with large-scale roughness in turbulent flows”. 气溶胶科学 & 技术, Vol. 54, pp. 291-303. http://doi.org/10.1080/02786826.2019.1692126
  • 海恩斯老, 亚当斯国际扶轮, 不懂礼貌的人是, 布鲁顿T, 唐尼J, 基于“增大化现实”技术的铁, Gall E, GreenBJ, 赫加蒂B, 霍纳E, 雅各布斯D, Lemieux P, Misztal PK, 莫里森G, Perzanowski米, ReponenT, Rush R, 处女座T, Alkhayri C, Bope A, 科克伦年代, Cox J, •多诺休一, May AA, Nastasi N, NishiokaM, 任宁格N, Tian Y, Uebel-Niemeier C, 威尔金森D, Wu T, Zambrana J, Dannemiller KC. 2020. “Ten questions concerning the implications of carpet on indoor chemistry and microbiology.” 建筑与环境, Vol. 170, 106589 http://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106589
  • 纳斯尔,巴巴克,古达兹·艾哈迈迪,安德里亚·R. Ferro, Suresh Dhaniyala. 2019. “Overview of mechanistic particle resuspension models: Comparison with compilation of experimental data.” 附着力科学 & 技术, Vol. 33, pp. 2631-2660. http://doi.org/10.1080/01694243.2019.1650989
  • 马西奥尔,毛罗,Naděžda Zíková,大卫C. 大卫·查鲁帕. 里奇,安德里亚·R. 费罗,菲利普·K. Hopke. 2018. Hourly land-use regression models based on low-cost PM monitor data. 环境研究, Vol. 167, pp. 7-14. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2018.06.052
  • 蒋宇,林璐,Andrea R. 费罗,我是古达兹·艾哈迈迪. 2018. “Analyzing wind cleaning process on the accumulated dust on solar photovoltaic (PV) modules on flat surfaces.” 太阳能, Vol. 159, pp. 1031-1036 (doi: 10).1016/j.竹蛏.2017.08.083).
  • Zíková, Nadezda, Mauro Masiol, David C. 大卫·查鲁帕. 里奇,安德里亚·R. 费罗和菲利普. Hopke. 2017. “估计每小时的PM2浓度.5 across a metropolitan area using low-cost particle monitors.” 传感器, Vol. 17, 1922 (doi:10).3390/s17081922).
  • 赖,Alvin C.K.,田一林,朱蒂.L. 蔡先生和Andrea R. Ferro. 2017. “Experimental Study of the Effect of Shoes on Particle Resuspension from Indoor Flooring Materials.” 建筑与环境, Vol. 118, pp. 251 - 258 (doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.02.024).
  • Zíková, Nadezda, Philip K. Hopke和Andrea R. Ferro. 2017. “Evaluation of new low-cost particle monitors for PM2.5浓度测量.” 气溶胶科学杂志, Vol. 105, pp. 24-34. http://doi.org/10.3390/s17081922


Email: aferro@ospifse.net

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