Student Resources and Expectations

根据1973年康复法案第504条,为残疾学生提供住宿和服务,以提供平等的教育计划和服务, the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990, 于2008年修订, esball国际平台客户端的政策. 无障碍服务办公室为学生提供便利的服务和住宿. Accommodations are determined on an individual basis.



所有申请esball国际平台客户端的学生的录取程序和标准都是一样的. Disability status will not be a consideration in admission decisions.


虽然我们鼓励您在研究大学时与我们的办公室讨论可能的住宿, 只有在你被大学录取后,这些文件才应该提交给无障碍服务办公室.
Students are encouraged to self-disclose prior to their arrival on campus. The sooner the Office of 可及性服务 is aware of accommodation needs, 大学就会为你的到来和课程的开始做更好的准备.


A diagnosis alone does not qualify you for accommodations. The existence of an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, 你的障碍目前的影响,以及它如何影响你在学术环境中的能力, 对于所要求的便利,必须有一个合理和客观的基础来确定便利是否合理.
esball国际平台客户端被要求提供适当的必要的学术调整,以确保它不会基于残疾歧视. These accommodations may differ from those provided previously. 残疾学生经常使用的便利是延长考试时间, a quiet location for test-taking, print materials in alternate formats, 轮椅无障碍住房, and assistive listening devices. Appropriate reasonable accommodations are determined on an individual basis.
无障碍服务办公室不提供无障碍停车许可证,除非是在学生从严重受伤中恢复的临时基础上. 永久无障碍停车许可证可通过波茨坦村获得.


There are many resources available to support students with disabilities.  以下列出的服务对所有esball国际平台客户端的学生都是免费的,但不是专门为残疾学生设计的.  esball国际平台客户端学院不提供残疾学生可能需要的一些服务和住宿. 


学生支援服务 (SSS) offers academic support for qualifying students.  一些可用的服务包括每周小组辅导、练习考试和研讨会.  在发展和加强学习技巧等方面寻求帮助的学生可获得个人学术咨询, 改善的动机, and dealing with test taking stress and time management skills.


The 写作中心 offers one-on-one help with academic and personal projects, 喜欢的文章, 报告, 实验室, 和演示文稿.  写作中心还提供有关引用来源和常见写作错误的信息. 写作中心是一个为残疾学生提供辅助技术的网站. 


A esball国际平台客户端 education is more than what you learn in class. 这也是一个成长的时间,变得更加自信,为生活的起起落落做好准备. esball国际平台客户端心理咨询服务帮助学生充分发挥社交和情感发展的潜力. 


学生自行负责使用轮椅等个人性质的辅助工具, 助听器, 在家使用的电脑或为个人提供服务的服务人员,包括帮助洗澡或穿衣或生活指导. 如果您想了解当地机构的信息,请联系无障碍服务.

Transportation assistance is not provided.


如果学生认为他们被拒绝了合理的住宿基于符合条件的残疾, they may request a review by completing a Reasonable Accommodation Appeal Form. The request will be reviewed by the ADA/504 上诉 Committee. 委员会可能会联系学生以获取更多信息或文件.    



  • 当一个残疾人可能需要帮助时,提供帮助是适当的. Wait until the offer is accepted and instructions are given to provide assistance. 如果你的帮助被拒绝了,不要生气——一个人拒绝帮助的原因有很多, including the desire to practice completing the task independently.
  • 在未征得他人同意的情况下,不要倚靠、触摸或移动他人的辅助设备.
  • If a person with a disability is using a service animal, never touch or distract the animal without the owner’s approval. To do so could be unsafe to the owner and is disruptive.
  • To get the attention of someone who is Deaf/hard of hearing, 轻拍或触摸它们, 或者挥挥手. 如果他们使用口译员,直接与人交谈,而不是口译员.
  • Be aware of obstacles or hazards in your environment that may pose a hazard. Examples include cracked or broken sidewalks or paths, 泄漏, 宽松的地毯, and objects blocking traffic patterns or protruding into the path of travel.
  • Never pat someone on the head or grab someone’s arm.
  • 永远不要害怕邀请残疾人士参加活动. 如果有esball国际平台客户端无障碍或人可能无法充分参与的担忧, voice these concerns and work through them together. Being excluded is isolating and painful.
  • When meeting a person with a disability, offer to shake hands as appropriate with someone who does not have a disability. If the person is unable to take your hand, they will tell you so. Offering to shake hands is seen as a sign of respect.
  • If you are having trouble understanding someone’s speech, ask them to repeat or ask clarifying questions. 假装理解别人说的话是不尊重的,也剥夺了他们参与对话的机会.

Transitioning from High School to College



  • IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
  • Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • IDEA关乎成功


  • ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, amended 2008; Title 11, Title III)
  • Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • ADA是esball国际平台客户端获取的



  • Student is identified by the school and is supported by parents and teachers
  • Primary responsibility for arranging accommodations belongs to the school
  • Teachers approach you if they believe you need assistance


  • Student must self-identify to the Office of 可及性服务
  • 自我宣传和安排住宿的主要责任属于学生
  • Professors are usually open and helpful, but most expect you to initiate contact if you need assistance



  • 家长可以访问学生记录,并可以参与住宿过程
  • 家长为学生发声


  • Parent does not have access to student records without student’s written consent
  • 学生为自我辩护



  • Teachers may modify the curriculum and/or alter the curriculum pace of assignments
  • 你应该阅读一些简短的作业,然后在课堂上讨论并经常重新教授
  • 你很少需要阅读超过一遍,有时在课堂上听就足够了


  • Professors are not required to modify the design or alter assignment deadlines
  • 你被分配了大量的阅读和写作,这些可能不会在课堂上直接解决
  • You need to review class notes, text, and other material regularly



  • IEP and 504 plans may include modifications to test format and/or grading
  • Testing is frequent and covers small amounts of material
  • Makeup tests are often available
  • Teachers often take time to remind you of assignments and due dates


  • Grading and test format changes (i.e. 选择题vs. essay) are generally not available.  Accommodations to how tests are given (extended time, test proctors) are available when approved by the Office of 可及性服务.
  • 测试通常不频繁,可能是累积的,覆盖大量的材料
  • Makeup tests are seldom an option; if they are, you need to request them
  • 教授希望你去阅读, 保存, and consult the course syllabus (outline); the syllabus spells out exactly what is expected of you, 当它到期时, 以及如何给你打分



  • 辅导和学习支持可能是IEP或504计划的一部分
  • Others structure your times and assignments
  • You may study outside class as little as 0 to 2 hours a week, and this may be mostly last-minute test preparation


  • Tutoring does not fall within 可及性服务.  残疾学生必须寻求辅导资源,因为他们是提供给所有esball国际平台客户端学生
  • You manage your own time and complete assignments independently
  • You need to study at least 2-3 hours outside of class for each hour in class