安全 & 安全 FAQ

Q: What if I have a problem or feel threatened?
A: Call 268-6666 immediately. If you are outside, get to the nearest emergency/house phone.

Q: Does the campus have an emergency "Blue Light" phone system?
是的. The University has installed 27 emergency/ Assistance phones, strategically located throughout the campus. The phones provide rapid push button contact with emergency response 24 hours a day.

Q: Is the campus really safe?
是的. Particularly when you compare Clarkson's crime rate to other colleges and universities of similar size, our crime rate is relatively low. This is primarily due to Clarkson's location and the team approach fostered by the department, which empowers every member of the campus community as an active part of the campus safety initiative.

Q: Is the campus patrolled?
是的. The department employs 9 full-time & 4 Part Campus 安全 & 安全 Officers, each certified by the State of New York as security Officers. Officers patrol the campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Q: Are campus crime statistics readily available?
是的. In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Act (formerly the Student Right to Know Act of 1990) the University provides information related to crime statistics and security measures to all members of the campus community. All matriculated students and all employees are mailed yearly the most current statistics as part of a comprehensive brochure on working together for a safe campus. Prospective students are mailed this information upon request.

Q: Is there a close working relationship with local police?
是的. The Campus 安全 & 安全 Staff are not "Peace Officers".  Certain crimes are referred to the Village of Potsdam police for action. The Campus 安全 & 安全 Officers work closely with local law enforcement agencies in aiding with the investigation of crimes committed on campus.

Q: Are freshman allowed to have a vehicle on campus?
是的. This privilege is conditioned upon registering the vehicle with the University and remaining in compliance with University policy and governing student use of motor vehicles. You must present your state motor vehicle registration when registering your vehicle on campus.

Q: What is "Judicial Affairs"?
A: It is primarily the governance of student behavior. Each student is expected to become a positive citizen in the campus community. Much of the definition of acceptable behavior springs from the Code of Student Conduct as articulated in the Clarkson Regulations. Campus 安全 & 安全 Officers and student staff, i.e. Resident Advisors, are responsible for enforcing the Code of Student Conduct and University policy. The Associate Dean/Director serves as the primary judicial officer for violations of University regulations. Violations are typically adjudicated within an educational framework and consistent with the educational mission of the University. Referral for prosecution is an option available for particularly egregious and/or criminal violations.