Welcome Class of 2028!

这所大学提供面对面的“跳板”课程(在微积分等领域), Business, Computer Science & Chemistry) to support student confidence in their first semester. 所有课程都包括来自在校学生和教师以及一年级项目顾问的指导. 即将入学的学生可以通过加入该组织,尽早开始他们的学术生涯! 


Springboard Options

Residential, 10 days before the semester starts
Open to all business majors, including Engineering & Management

Lexi Johnson, Instructor
Email: johnsoal@ospifse.net

商业跳板(S2B)是为即将入学的一年级商科学生提供的独家机会,帮助他们轻松过渡到大学生活,同时尽早与教师建立联系, 工作人员和专业顾问-所有这些都在秋季学期开始之前.

S2B旨在为学生提供他们将在第一年接触到的商业概念的介绍. Students will be introduced to economic concepts, 以及领导和管理技能,这些技能将在商学院课程中得到扩展. 学生将在第一学年获得每门课程的基本概述. 课程的一部分将致力于了解如何在esball国际平台客户端取得成功并培养年轻的专业人士. 本课程将教授在大学环境下正确的通信协议. 本课程将为学生提供协作环境下的实践经验.

学生将能够提前搬进他们将在第一年住的宿舍房间. When not in class, students will be able to explore the campus and local community, participate in group activities, and more. 

Residential, 10 days before the semester starts
Open to all computer science majors

Alexis Maciel, Chair of Computer Science
Email: alexis@ospifse.net

计算机科学导论,主要关注计算机编程和软件开发. 它是为没有或很少有计算机编程背景的学生设计的,将帮助他们过渡到CS141. The course covers basic concepts such as variables, input and output, conditional statements, loops and data files. 将使用c++编程语言,课程将包括大量的实践活动.


学生将能够提前搬进他们将在第一年住的宿舍房间. When not in class, students will be able to explore the campus and local community, participate in group activities, and more. 

Residential, 10 days before the semester starts
Open to all majors

Maddie Masi, PhD, Chemistry, HEOP Admissions & Academics Counselor
Email: mmasi@ospifse.net

化学跳板是一门介绍性课程,包括讲座和基于项目的学习内容. 本课程为一年级学生提供了一个在学期开始前在严格的大学环境中建立自信的机会. Prior background in Chemistry is not required. 化学每时每刻都在我们身边发生,所以让我们来了解一下!

Students will meet for class in the mornings, 熟悉他们将在esball国际平台客户端第一年化学课中遇到的内容主题. During class time, students will also be able to work in small groups, designing their own experiments. 学生将能够利用他们的空闲时间来做他们的实验,并与导师会面以获得支持. The course is designed to mimic the overall Clarkson experience, 为学生提供技能,帮助他们在第一年取得成功!


学生将能够提前搬进他们将在第一年住的宿舍房间. When not in class, students will be able to explore the campus and local community, participate in group activities, and more.

Open to all majors

Instructor TBA
Email: math@ospifse.net

课程上午大约三(3)小时,下午大约一(1)小时. We familiarize students with the books, software, and system they will use in first year calculus, 同时允许他们与导师和esball国际app助教一起工作, exposing them to the college approach to learning.

While reviewing essential topics from algebra, trigonometry and geometry, students acclimate to campus before fall classes begin. 它为学生提供了一个早期的机会来建立一个志同道合的学生群体,并建立esball国际平台客户端非常成功的学生的团队学习技能. Students can enroll in this program through Clarkson Portal. The cost of this course is $650.00.


Residential, 10 days before the semester starts
Open to all majors

Michael Ramsdell, Director of First Year Physics
Email: mramsdel@ospifse.net

“物理跳板”为esball国际平台客户端的物理入门课程做准备. Students majoring in STEM fields who would like to be confident, enthusiastic, 熟悉了物理入门课程的内容,就该考虑报名了. 把这个当成“第0单元”,我们希望你在开始学习的时候知道这些东西.

Students will meet for class in the mornings, 熟悉他们将在esball国际平台客户端物理一年级遇到的内容主题. During class time, students will also be able to work in small groups, design their own experiments, and compare their results to theoretical predictions. 学生将能够利用他们的空闲时间进行实验,并与导师会面以获得支持. The course is designed to mimic the overall Clarkson experience, 为学生提供技能,帮助他们在第一年取得成功!


学生将能够提前搬进他们将在第一年住的宿舍房间. When not in class, students will be able to explore the campus and local community, participate in group activities, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What courses are being offered and how much do they cost?

Clarkson is offering Springboard courses in Calculus, Business, Physics, Computer Science and Chemistry! Cost and details are available in the course descriptions.

What is the benefit and why should I signup?

学生将能够提前搬进他们将在第一年住的宿舍房间. When not in class, students will be able to explore the campus and local community, participate in group activities, and more.

Who is Springboard geared toward?

跳板是为那些觉得自己需要在秋季学期开始前做一些准备工作的新生准备的. esball国际平台客户端致力于学生的成功,并将所有学生都放在成为成功校友的道路上. 提供“跳板”课程是我们为学生提供机会,让他们做好准备,自信地进入校园.

When do Springboard courses start?

Students will arrive on August 15th and classes begin the following day.

CTA Block